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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Actor and Partner Effects of Self-differentiation on Marital Conflict among Married Couples: The Mediating Effects of Constructive and Dysfunctional Communication


This study examined the actor effects and the partner effects of self-differentiation on marital conflict, and the mediating effects of constructive and dysfucntional communication among these relationships. To analyze the data from 127 married couples, path analyses applying Actor-Partner Interdependence Model were conducted. The results of this study are as follows. First, the actor effects of self-differentiation on marital conflict were negatively significant for both husband and wife. Second, the partner effect of husband’s self-differentiation on wife’s perceived marital conflict was negatively significant, while the partner effect of wife’s self-differentiation on husband’s perceived marital conflict was not significant. Third, the actor effects of self-differentiation on marital conflict were mediated by one’s own dysfucntional communication, but not by one’s own constructive communication for both husband and wife. Fourth, there was mixed effect and the effect of husband’s self-differentiation on husband’s perceived marital conflict was mediated by wife’s constructive communication. Fifth, the partner effect of husband’s self-differentiation on wife’s perceived marital conflict was mediated by husband’s dysfunctional communication, wife’s constructive communication and wife’s dysfucntional communication. The results of this study were discussed and the theoretical and practical implications were included.

자기분화, 부부갈등, 건설적 의사소통, 역기능적 의사소통, 자기효과, 상대방효과, 자기-상대방 상호의존모형, 매개효과, self-differentiation, marital conflict, constructive communication, dysfunctional communication, actor effect, partner effect, Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, mediating effect



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology