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메뉴This study composed and developed a counseling program for a husband to intervene in* the postpartum depression of a wife based on the psychosocial experience of a husband, who had a wife suffering the postpartum depression, and the support demands for overcoming the postpartum depression. Moreover, this study evaluated the effects of the program. The results of this study showed that study subjects were experiencing marital conflicts caused by the stress due to unplanned pregnancy and childbirth and the lack of awareness about the postpartum depression. Therefore, subjects wanted to have socioeconomic help, parenting coaching, psychoeducation, marriage counseling, and a method to communicate with other husbands in the same situation. Furthermore, after treatments application, the postpartum depression of wives, marital satisfaction, husbands’ depression, husbands’ efficacy, and job demand were significantly different between the treatment group and the control group. Additionally, the postpartum depression of wives decreased in the treatment group, while it increased in the control group. Thirdly, when the pre-treatment, post-treatment, and follow-up results were compared, the postpartum depression of wives, husbands’ depression, anxiety, and the frustration as parents decreased and husbands’ efficacy as fathers increased in the treatment group. On the other hand, in the control group, husband’s depression increased, while the marital satisfaction of wives decreased. Lastly, the results of the quality interview, which was a topic related to the effectiveness of the program, showed that effective topics were ‘understanding the postpartum depression better’, ‘enhanced communication with a spouse’, ‘empathy and purification with group members’, and ‘promoting reflective thinking’. The importance of this study was to compose and develop a short-term counseling program to intervene in the postpartum depression based on facts and knowledge for husbands, because it is the first program in this category in South Korea and there were not enough structured counseling programs in the postpartum depression intervention counseling field.
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