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메뉴Women gamblers are marginalized and excluded from the society while being blamed and stigmatized. However, in the situation where the rate of women gamblers is increasing, the purpose of this study is to reveal and understand gambling experiences and everyday lives of women who stay near the casino through their own voices. The researcher stayed in the field for a while and conducted participatory observation and in-depth interview based on field surveys. Twenty middle-aged women gamblers of staying near the casino participated in the interviews. They have usually lived a (non)conforming life in the family, and were exposed to gambling in a life-threatening crisis of divorce or bereavement with husband, then became addicted to gambling by experiencing fun and pleasure. Despite the hard work near the casino to make money, they have wanted to settle there as members of the community. Therefore, this study suggests the need for social intervention to cope with the life crisis of women in their life cycle, and for support that women gamblers can return to and settle in the community.
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