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메뉴This study is a phenomenological study aimed at exploring what subsistence-type working moms experience from their multiple roles in a family and what their experiences mean. The data was collected through interviews with five women who had children of pre-school age and come to experience the multiple roles of work-family due to financial difficulties in households. The results of this study applied to Giorgi's methodology were as follows: Firstly, working moms experienced financial difficulties in their families. Since then, they had become aware of the necessity of economic activity, and had been able to go to work. Secondly, they were able to endure day-to-day lives different from the lives of full-time house wives. Thirdly, working moms experienced more conflict with their husbands, who could not work together because of their multiple roles in their families, the eyes of others and social factors that were difficult to raise their children. Fourthly, it was difficult to endure the stress caused by these conflicts, and it was also difficult to avoid emotion and try to resolve it through dialogue with friends. Fifthly, subsistence-type working moms can solve problems through help from supporters in a reality that is intolerable, and can heal a tired mind through emotional support from their families. Sixthly, they saw themselves as results of their lives' changes and their families' economic difficulties and a step later, and their experiences of discovering themselves as grown people.
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