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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


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Vol.27 No.4

Women’s bodies on digital display, self-objectification and social activism
Hongim Shin pp.269-283

Women often are valued in terms of sexual and physical attractiveness. Such objectifying content is pervasive in social media. Being objectified may lead individuals to “self-objectify”, meaning they treat themselves as objects. This study aimed to investigate whether there are significant relationships between self-objectification in social media, system justification, and social engagement of women. Study 1 (N=76) tested the question whether self-objectification is associated with gender specific system justification and social engagement. According to the results, higher tendency of self-objectification was negatively correlated with social engagement of female students. In Study 2 (N=74), female students had to write an essay while portraying themselves wearing a swimming suit to others on social network sites to induce the state of self-objectification in the two experimental condition (audience: online audience vs. no audience). According to the results, the scores of self-objectification and system justification were higher in the experimental condition than those in the control condition. In addition, there was less engagement in gender-based social activism in the experimental condition than in the control condition. These findings implicated that women’s online self-portrayal may lead to increasing self-objectification and system-justifying behavior that disrupts women’s gender-based social activity.

The mediation effect of authoritarian personality between narcissism and dating violence
Naeun Kim ; Jisun Park pp.285-304

This study investigated how various factors of narcissism affected dating violence, and the effect of authoritarian personality between them. In particular, we examined how factors of narcissism affected three types of dating violence (physical, emotional, sexual) respectively, and the role of authoritarian personality between them. As a result, the higher the narcissism, the higher the authoritarian personality, and the more with the three types of dating violence. Among various factors of narcissism, Authority, Exhibitionism, and Entitlement affected physical violence respectively, and the mediation effect of authoritarian personality was significant. In addition, Self-sufficiency and Exhibitionism affected emotional violence respectively, and the mediation effect of authoritarian personality was also significant. Furthermore, Exhibitionism and Entitlement affected sexual violence respectively, and the mediation effect of authoritarian personality was significant. In conclusion, the study showed that different factors of narcissism affected three different types of dating violence, and the mediating role of authoritarian personality between narcissism and dating violence.

The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology