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메뉴The purpose of this study is to explore the psychological characteristics and the related psychological variables of the parentified child. A total of two hundreds seventy (N = 270) Korean undergraduate students participated in this study. The students completed Parentification Questionaire-Adult, Filial Royalty Scoring-Adult, Self-differentiation, Triangulation, and Psychological independence. Above of all scores from the students whose parents either have serious disease, died, discord, separated, and divorced(general family, N = 182) or never(special family, N = 82) were then compared. The results are as follows: first, there ware significant positive correlations between parentification and filial & royalty, triangulation and significant negative correlations between parentification and psychological independence from their parents in the dimension of conflict. Second, children from special family were inclined to be more parentifed than the children from general family. Finally, parentified child was inclined to report lower level of subjective quality of life than non-parentified child. This research suggest that although parentified children look like adoptive and considerate, they are likely to have psychological risk. Therefore, it is suggested that psychological therapy can be helpful to the parentified child's mental health.
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