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ISSN : 1229-0718
The present study investigated autistic children's understanding of the impact of beliefs on emotion. Children watched animation characters who were given containers apparently containing an object they wanted but really containing an object they did not want, or vice versa. Each children were asked to predict the characters' false beliefs (false belief question), the characters' emotional reactions before they opened the containers (false belief-emotion question), the emotional reactions after they opened them (desire-emotion question), and finally they were asked about the real content (reality question). Children's correct responses on the desire-emotion and the reality questions were high across all groups. In contrast, the correct responses on the false belief questions and the false belief-emotion questions in normal 3-. 4-year-old and autistic groups were significantly lower than those in 5-year-old and mentally retarded groups. When the autistic, mentally retarded, and normal 5-year-old groups were closely matched for VMA, the autistic group, compared to the normal and mentally retarded groups, performed significantly worse on the false belief and false belief-emotion questions than on the desire-emotion questions. The results demonstrate that autistic children have a deficit in understanding of emotion caused by false beliefs, which required the understanding of representational mind.
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