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ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of bilingualism on children's theory of mind ability comparing Korean-Chinese bilingual with Chinese monolingual children in Yanji, China. The subjects were 115 children 3 to 5 years of age, 55 of whom were bilingual and 60 were monolingual in Yanji. Bilingual children spoke Korean at home but Chinese in the community and at preschool. These children's Chinese fluency that assessed PPVT. The instruments used to measure children's theory of mind were four false belief tasks. A 3(age) by 2(mono-bilingual) ANCOVA was performed for theory of mind tasks and PPVT score as the covariate because monolingual children performed PPVT task better than bilingual children. The results show older children performed on the theory of mind tasks and bilingual children were better on the theory of mind tasks than monolinguals.
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