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ISSN : 1229-0718
This study investigated protective factors and risk factors in children in poverty and their outcomes. The definition of child poverty in this study were children who received support in child care and education expenses due to low cost of living. Participants consisted of 476 mothers and their 3-year-old children who live in Seoul or`Kyounggi Province. Among the participants, 228 were children in poverty. To identify the effect of child poverty, data mining decision tree model was performed with the following variances; social support, parenting stress, home environment stimulation, and child outcomes. Decision tree model included significant predictor variable on child poverty as a child's sex, Decision tree model showed that responsiveness stimulation in HOME and social skill had important influences on boys in poverty. Physical environment stimulation of HOME and social support were predicted as protective factors in boys in poverty. However, physical environment stimulation worked as risk factors on girls in poverty. Relatively low language comprehension skills predicted risk factor on child developmental functioning, and this was influenced by parent's psychological and mental health. The results discussed that physical environment stimulation in HOME and social support were defined as protective factors for boys in poverty, but risk factors for girls.
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