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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation of child's behavior during Problem Solving and related variations(mother's behavior, attachment security, temperament). The subjects were 33 infants, age 30-43 months, with their mothers. In order to assess to Mother-Child Interaction, each mother-child dyad was observed in the Problem-Solving Session(Eriksons, Sroufe, & Egeland, 1985). The mother's behavior and the child's behavior were assessed using the Teaching Strategies Rating Scale(Erikson, Sroufe, & Egeland, 1985). Attachment security was assessed by Attachment Q-set(Waters, 1987), and temperament was assessed by the Toddler Temperament Scale(TTS; Saslow, 1993). The data of this study was analyzed by Canonical correlation analysis, Stepwise regression analysis, and Pearson's correlation. The results of this study were as follows: 1) There was significantly correlation between mother's behavior and child's behavior(excepting reliance of mother for help). 2) Attachment security scores were positively related with the child's experience for the session, child's affection towards the mother, and child's enthusiasm. 3) Among the temperamental factors perceived by the mother, the child's positive adaptability explains positive experience for the session. The child's negative mood explained the reliance of the mother for help. 4) Using Stepwise regression analysis, most of the child's behavior is explained by the mother's behavior, but the child's reliance on his mother for help was explained by the child's negative as mood perceived by the mother. Consequently, the child's behaviors during Problem-Solving Session were mainly related to mother's behavior and temperament. This study suggested that various psycho-social factors contributed to child's accomplishment
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