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ISSN : 1229-0718
The present study examined effects of phonological awareness of second graders in the English orthographic analogy paradigm. Experiment 1 studied children who only learned alphabet letter knowledge, and experiment 2 studied the same children who learned English word reading for fifteen sessions. 44 second graders were divided into two classes(High and Low of phonological awareness level) after they were tested on Hangul phonological awareness and participated in English word reading class after school. In experiment 1, studying children after completion of alphabet letter knowledge lessons found that although high and low PA groups showed a slight difference in increase in number of words read correctly among the groups, for body-coda unit and rimes, as well as vowel including texts the increase was significant. In experiment 2 investigated after completion of English word reading lessons found that the high PA group showed a significant increase in number of words read correctly for body-coda unit and rimes, as well as vowel, but the low PA group showed significant progress only for body-coda unit. The findings show that Hangul PA is transferred into English word reading, and orthographic recognition units are different in English word reading according to the level of Hangul PA.
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