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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study was conducted to investigate quality of life in the elderly residing in the community and those residing in institutions. It aimed at examining 1) the extent to which the two groups of old people were satisfied with their lives, 2) the domains of life which should be reorganized to elevate overall life satisfaction for the two groups of people, and 3) the effects of extraversion and optimistic personality on their satisfaction with life. The findings were as follows. First, the elderly residing in the community were not satisfied with their lives more than those in institutions. Secondly, satisfaction in the domain of production was found to be the most influential element comprising overall satisfaction with life for the elderly residing in institutions, whereas satisfaction in material, emotional and physical domains disproportionately affected overall life satisfaction for the elderly residing in the community. Finally, irrespective of the groups, the more optimistic and the more extroverted the old people were, the more satisfied they were with their lives. The implications of these results were discussed.
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