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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
For this study, 328 students from 1st-, 3rd-grade middle school, 2nd-grade high school, and undergraduates were asked to generate role-related self-representations. Then, the contents and the construct of self-representations were analyzed through these self-descriptors. The results were as follows: First, as the grades became higher, characteristic attributes were increasing, and emotional attributes were decreasing. In addition, selves with parents were more emotional and selves with friend group were more abstractive and stable. Second, as the grades became higher, self-representations were more differentiated and the more opposition and conflicts were perceived. Through the result of this study, it was confirmed that self-representations from diverse social contexts were more abstractive and stable in their content and were differentiated in their construct during adolescence. However, in comparing with preceding research, there were differences in the time and the degree of self-proliferation. This may means cultural differences in a development of self-representations.
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