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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined the effectiveness of a group-game program for children with high functioning autism experiencing as peer-leaders. The participants were 24 children, of age 6 to 9, diagnosed as high functioning autism, PDD-NOS, or Asperger. They were assigned to two groups matched on IQ, age, and ASSQ scores. The treatment group was administered the group-game program twice a week for two months(15 sessions) while the control group did not participate in any special program. Two-way ANOVAs(with one repeated measure variable) showed that the pre- and the post test comparison resulted in significant change in treatment group's performance on theory of mind tasks and some of executive function tasks, and on SSRS scores by parents' reports. Discussion centers on the effectiveness of game activities which are designed to increase mind reading, executive function, experience as peer leaders.
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