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A Longitudinal Study on the Change of Self-Control in Early Adolescence: Its Relations to Parental Attachment, Teacher Attachment, and Self-Esteem


In this study, the authors examined whether and how children's self-control changed during early adolescence. They also investigated the extent to which this change was related to children's parental attachment, teacher attachment, and self-esteem. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was used to analyze 4-year longitudinal data (N = 2,844) originally collected from the Korean Youth Panel Study. A significant decrease in self-control was observed from the ages of 9 to l1, and self-control started to get stabilized at age 11. Self-esteem was negatively predictive of self-control at age 10, whereas parental attachment and teacher attachment were positively predictive of it. Also, self-esteem was positively related to the rate of change in self-control, whereas parental attachment was negatively related to it. Finally, only parental attachment was positively related to the rate of acceleration in self-control. Study limitations and future directions for research are discussed.

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