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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to compare the wisdom of old people and college students and to investigate the relations of wisdom, openness to experience, and self-transcendence. Seventy-four college students and fifty-six old people were measured their level of wisdom on Korean Wisdom Scale(Kim, 2008). It was found that old people got higher scores than college students on four areas of the Korean Wisdom Scale, especially in ‘self-control and balance’ factor. Also old people showed higher scores in self-transcendence than college students. Comparing the judgments on four hypothetical life dilemma situations, old people judged the protagonists less responsible for the dilemma than college students. Old people gave more weights on concerns for other people as best solutions whereas college students more on protagonist-oriented solutions. Wisdom was related positively both to self-transcendence and to openness to experience in old people, but wisdom was related positively only to self-transcendence in college students. Limitations of this study, its implications and suggestions for further research were discussed.
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