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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to standardize the Korean version of Caregiver-Teacher Report Form (C-TRF). 1,371 preschoolers (679 boys and 692 girls) age from 1.5-5 were selected as the normative sample. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that the original C-TRF’s factor structure can be appropriately applied to the Korean version of C-TRF. The reliability was tested via internal consistency (.52~.96) and test-retest reliability (.57~.82). The mean differences and Cohen’s effect sizes of the subscales between clinical and normative sample revealed the scale’s discriminant validity. Differences of mean subscale scores for different age and sex groups showed that 4 independent norms for sex (male vs female) and 2 age groups (18~35month vs 36~72month) would be reasonable for the scale.
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