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Temperament, Perceived Maternal Behaviors, and Attachment Style in Young Adults with Borderline Personality Disorder Feature


The present study explores the relationships between temperament, perceived maternal parenting behaviors, and attachment style in young adults with Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD) features. Subjects were 575 college students who completed the Personality Assessment Inventory-Borderline Features Scale(PAI-BOR), the Emotionality, Activity, Sociability Temperament Survey(Adult EAS), the Parenting Behavior Inventory(PBI), and the Adult Attachment Scale(AAS). The second purpose of this study was to investigate the degree to which we could predict temperament, perceived maternal parenting behaviors, and attachment style in young adults with BPD features. Out of the 575 college students, 30 young adults with BPD features were assigned to one group, and 30 young adults without BPD features were assigned to a control group. These 60 students were assessed for emotionality temperament, perceived maternal parenting behavior, and adult attachment style. The results showed that BPD features were closely related to emotionality temperament abuse, over-interference, inconsistency, or neglect in perceived maternal parenting behaviors during childhood and attachment anxiety. To find out how well temperament, perceived maternal parenting behavior, and attachment style could explain BPD features, we applied hierarchical multiple regression analysis and confirmed the explanation of each variable. Temperament was found to be the strongest factor in BPD features. Individuals with BPD features showed higher emotionality traits and higher levels of attachment anxiety than those in the control group. In addition, they perceived the nurturing behaviors of their mothers toward them to be inconsistent, irrational, and less affectionate than did those in the control group.

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