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Development of Executive Function in 3-7 Year Olds: Analyses by age and maternal employment


Executive functioning (EF) was analyzed in terms of age, gender and birth order of children and maternal characteristics(educational level and employment status). In the city of Ulsan, tests of EF (DCCS and selective attention tasks), a survey on sociodemographic variables, and teacher-completed rating scales (BRIEF, Conners’ scale) were administered to 124 3–7 year olds, their parents, and their teachers. There were no significant effects of birth order or mothers' education level, but age effects on selective attention and recall tasks. Gender effects on the BRIEF ratings (working memory, inhibition, planning and organization) were significant. The age X gender interaction effects were significant in DCCS and recall performance. Attention problems were significantly higher in boys than in girls, and maternal employment predicted ratings on the BRIEF. There were significant correlations between teachers' ratings, but no correlations between children's performance on various EF measures and teachers' ratings.




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