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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study sought to validate the Korean version of the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development Third Edition (K-Bayley-III) for domestic application. Participants were 375 infants and toddlers from 16 days to 42 months and 15 days old from Seoul and its suburbs. The adequateness of item arrangement was determined by item difficulty analysis based on Item Response Theory. Item internal consistency was .986, and relevance of starting points for the 17 age stages were acceptable, with an average rate of 80%. Test-retest reliability and inter-coder reliability were both satisfactory. Convergent validity of the K-Bayley-III and the yielded a moderate correlation of .503 (p < .01). Exploratory factor analysis estimated a two-factor structure on 91 items. Potential amendments to administration procedures and scoring criteria were discussed.
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