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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
Sequential performance refers to performing tasks in a fixed order. Performing a certain task in an orderly manner requires multiple mental processes, such as representation and retrieval of sequential information as well as blocking certain information from impeding memory performance. Among other things, it seems that the chunking strategy and inhibitory mechanisms are the most important features for sequential performance. Therefore, two experiments were administered to delineate the nature of these two components using the sequential action control task(S-ACT). We also investigated differences in recall task performance across two age groups. Older adults showed a longer mean reaction time than did young adults in Experiment 1. Both age groups formed three chunks during sequence representation when retrieving a target stimulus. Furthermore, they both showed longer RTs for the lead item of a chunk compared to the other items within a chunk. Older adults made more lag –1 errors (conservative errors) than did the young group. We conducted Experiment 2 to examine the effects of retrieval cues for improving sequential performance. Regardless of the cue type, older participants showed a relatively consistent pattern of in their retrieval. All participants showed longer RTs for the lead item of a chunk compared to its remainder. There were no significant interactions between item role and cue types for the different age groups. For different types of retrieval cues, the part-set cue-congruent group performed faster than all other groups, but retrieval accuracy was comparable across all groups.
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