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Relationship between Childhood Emotional Bonding with Mother and Adult Attachment: Mediating Effects of Self-Esteem and Trust in Others


This study aimed to investigate pathways in which childhood emotional bonding with mothers predicts adulthood attachment through self-esteem and trust in others. Participants were 401 college students in the southwest United States. The results indicated that self-esteem and trust in others fully mediated the relationship between emotional bonding with mother and anxious attachment. In contrast, trust in others partially mediated the relationship between childhood emotional bonding and avoidant attachment. These findings confirm Bowlby’s proposition and Bartholomew’s conceptualization of working model, and suggest that those who received more affection from their mother were more likely to perceive themselves as valuable and to trust others. Furthermore, those who view themselves as valuable and trust others were less likely to show anxious attachment styles (i.e., overly dependent on others). Besides, trust in others and emotional bonding with mother were predictors of avoidant attachment (i.e., compulsively self-reliant). Limitations and future directions were discussed with regard to clinical and educational implications.

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