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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The present study investigated the relationship between children’s executive function at 4 years old and reading fluency and comprehension at 6 years old. Children’s executive function skills at age 4 were examined by measuring three subcomponents: working memory, behavioral inhibition, and cognitive flexibility. A short-term longitudinal study was conducted with 110 four-year-old children. Children’s executive function and receptive vocabulary were measured at age 4, and their reading fluency and comprehension were then measured 2 years later. Results indicated that executive function, behavioral inhibition, and cognitive flexibility at age 4 were significantly correlated with reading fluency and comprehension at age 6. In addition, a regression analysis was performed to examine the substantive impact of measured variables at age 4 on later reading fluency and comprehension. Results showed that the predictive value of executive function subtypes was evident, even after controlling for language ability at age 4.
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