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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The aim of this study was to examine the moderating effect of social self-efficacy in the relations between cognitive, affective empathy and defending behaviors. Another goal was to examine the moderating effects of different types of perceived norms (classmates, close friends) and parental expectation in the relations between intrapersonal variables (empathy, social self-efficacy) and defending behaviors. The sample consisted of 336 middle school students in South Korea. The results indicated that when girls did not have sufficient social self-efficacy, their cognitive empathy lowered the level of defending behaviors. In addition, when boys did not perceive classroom norms for defending, their social self-efficacy did not lead to defending behaviors. Among girls, when their perception of close friends’ norms for defending was limited, their cognitive empathy also reduced defending behaviors. Finally, when boys believed their parents valued helping victims and expected them to do so, their affective empathy increased defending behaviors. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for developing more effective bystander intervention strategies.
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