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ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of job-related stress and resilience on work-life balance and the influences of age and number of working-hours on this relationship. A sample of 381 male industrial employees, 31-49 years-old, provided their number of working hours per day and completed a self-report questionnaire composed of items on job-related stress, resilience, and work-life balance. Data were analyzed using 2-way-ANOVA and multiple group comparisons based on structural equation modeling. The results demonstrate that the relationship between job-related stress, resilience and work-life balance is rather complex. First, not age- but working hours-related differences were significant: employees with a large number of working hours showed significantly higher levels of job-related stress, but lower levels of resilience and work-life balance. Second, while job-related stress had a negative effect on resilience and work-life balance, resilience had a positive effect on work-life balance. Third, we observed differential effects for employee’s age, but not for working hours regarding the influence of stress and resilience on work-life balance. Job-related stress was more effective in the younger age group (30s), resilience in the older age group (40s).
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