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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The current study examined young children's judgments of learning intention and occurrence of learning based on a learner's knowledge state and an informant's teaching intention. Three to five-year-olds' theory of mind was measured. Also, after telling six stories including information about a learner's knowledge state (knowledgeable, neutral, ignorant) and an informant's teaching intention (try to teach the learner, does not have any teaching intention), children's judgments regarding whether the learner would try to learn and whether he has learned were asked. Children with higher theory of mind tended to judge that the knowledgeable learner would not try to learn the same knowledge, but the ignorant person would try to learn. Moreover, with age and with an increase in theory of mind, children came to judge that learning occurred when there was a change in the learner's knowledge. In addition to a relation between children's judgment of learning and theory of mind, implications of this development on their learning from a metacognitive perspective will be discussed.
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