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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The current study examined 1) the associations among young children’s social withdrawal, preschool adjustment, teacher-child relationships, and maternal management strategies for children’s peer relationships and 2) the moderating effects of teacher-child relationships and maternal management strategies for children’s peer relationships on the association between children’s social withdrawal and preschool adjustment. Participants were 156 children aged 4-6 years(67 boys, 89 girls) and their mothers. Results indicated that shyness, social disinterest, and social avoidance were negatively related to preschool adjustment. However, teachers’ warmth/support moderated the association between children’s shyness and maladjustment, and teachers’ warmth/support and mothers’ advice-concern strategy moderated the link between children’s social disinterest and maladjustment. The results provide useful information for plans and practices to support socially withdrawn children’s preschool adjustment.
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