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The purpose of this study was to identify cluster types based on maternal child-rearing stress and individual characteristics, all of which are known to have important associations with young children behavioral problems. To this end, 455 mothers of children aged three to six were recruited for self-reported questionnaires. To analyze the data, cluster analysis and multivariate analysis of variance were conducted. Three potential groups emerged: (1) low regulation weak type (high child-rearing stress, high emotional dysregulation, low cognitive self-regulation, and low mindfulness), (2) general average type (an average level of child-rearing stress, emotional dysregulation, cognitive self-regulation, and mindfulness), and (3) high regulation moderate type (low child-rearing stress, low emotional dysregulation, high cognitive self-regulation, and high mindfulness). The high regulation moderate type scored significantly lower than the other two in children behavioral problems. However, the low regulation weak type and the general average type did not differ in children internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems. The results imply that early integrative intervention that helps alleviate maternal child-rearing stress and promotes mothers regulatory resources should be instated to mitigate young children behavioral problems.
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