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Environmental Influences on Early Language Development – Developing Speech Perception, Lexical & Syntactic Abilities -


Language development has largely been considered a domain in which inborn capacities play fundamental roles because its development proceeds rapidly and automatically to a large extent. However, in recent years, the various roles that environmental input plays in the development of language have received much interest not only in vocabulary development, but also in speech perception and grammar acquisition. In this paper, we reviewed recent literature demonstrating the various roles of environmental input in the development of language. This review revealed that the more diverse and detailed aspects of environmental input have been considered, including fine-grained acoustic properties of input provided by caregivers, the quantity and quality of the verbal and nonverbal aspects of input, and differences in social interactions and social cues. These diverse aspects of input also play a variety of roles across multiple language development areas, such as the development of speech perception abilities, vocabulary growth, and the ability to produce more complex and sophisticated utterances.

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