ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study was to classify university students in emerging adulthood by the emotional, behavioral, and motivational properties of grit, academic failure tolerance, and achievement goal orientation, and to identify any differences in academic achievement and psychological properties between the profiles. LPA of 251 university students identified four distinct profiles: Profile 1 showed a high level of grit and failure tolerance and was mastery-oriented. Profile 2 had a high level of effort, behavioral adaptability after failure, and performance-approach orientation, except for emotional properties. Profile 3 showed an average level of the variables but also a tendency to avoid failures, and Profile 4 was low in every property. Regarding differences in achievement, life satisfaction, and career adaptability, Profile 1 scored the highest in life satisfaction, while Profile 1 and 2 both scored higher in achievement and career adaptability than the other two profiles. Profile 3 showed a higher level of life satisfaction and career adaptability than Profile 4, but did not differ in achievement. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed.
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