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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
Given the current societal atmosphere in which youngsters’ sense of deprivation and social unfairness is increasing, this study was conducted to investigate relationships among distributive (DJ-self) and procedural justice beliefs for the self (PJ-self), future time perspective (FTP), and mental well-being (MWB) of male and female university students. This study analyzed the self-reported data of 350 students. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis by gender indicated that the three-way interaction of DJ-self, PJ-self, and FTP was significant only for men. When FTP was low, strong DJ-self was associated with an increase in MWB only when PJ-self was weak. On the other hand, when FTP was high, DJ-self predicted an increase in MWB only when PJ-self was strong. For women, however, only PJ-self and FTP significantly predicted MWB, without a significant interaction. This study suggests that differentiated intervention strategies are necessary to improve MWB in male and female students.
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