open access
(1998) 리더십과 조직 적응 남녀관리자의 비교연구 ,
(2000) 기업내 남녀관리자의 리더십 비교 연구, 한국여성개발원
(1999) 한국형 남녀 평등의식검사 개발, 한국여성개발원
(1997) 기업의 여성이론관리제도 현황과 개선방안 , 한국여성개발원
(2005) 대학의 여성 리더 남녀교수의 리더십에 대한 자기 지각 비교,
(2002) 여성 공무원 리더의 효율성, 성 정체성, 삶의 만족도와 조직의 성차별 문화,
(2000) 여교장의 지도성 효과 및 특성에 관한 연구, 한국여성 개발원
(1990) A Theory of gendered organizations,
(1978) Journal of Research and Development in Education,
(1985) Leadership and performance beyond expectations, Free Press
(1971) Male managers' attitudes toward working women,
(1990) Handbook of leadership, The Free Press
(1970) Management development activities for women,
(1976) Male-female differences in work attitudes among retail sales managers,
(1984) Coopertative interaction in multiethnic contexts Groups in contact The psychology of desegregation, Academic Press
(1980) Psyche:From rocking the cradle to rocking the boat,
(1994) Gender and leadership style: Transformational and transactional leadership in the roman catholic church. ,
(1995) Gender and the effectiveness of leaders,
(1992) Gender and the evaluation of leaders,
(1984) Subordinates' reactions to female leaders,
(1985) Sex of authority role models and achievement by men and women Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
(1974) Sex differences in supervision,
(1982) Women and men as leaders,
(1977) Patterns of difference and their implications, Anchor Press/Doubleday
(1981) The Handbook of Social Psychology, Random House
(1982) Sex differences in the incidence and evaluation of participative leader behavior,
(1986) The gender bias in everyday and scientific thinking Changing conceptions of leadership, In C Springer- Verlag
(1965) Studies in management education, Springer-Verlag
(1975) Women in management An experimental study of the effects of sex and marial status on job performance ratings promotability ratings and promotion decision,
(1984) Two sides of the same coin,
(1975) Moderating effects of sex of supervisor and subordinate on relationships between supervisory behavior and subordinate satisfaction,
(1993) Women & men in management, Sage
(1994) An empirical study of actual promotions to top management Academy of Management Journal,
(1978) The effect of sex and educational background on selection decisions Academy of Management Journal,
(1980) Women in management An explanation of competing paradigms,
(1979) Sensitivity to nonverbal communication, Johns Hopkins University Press
(1984) Reactions to leader Effects of sex of leader sex of subordinate method of leader selection and task outcome,
(1994) Attributions for success and failure of men and women in leadership positions,
(19861979-1984) Women in management A review of the literature,
(1980) Women as managers:Attitudes and attributions for performance by men and women,
(1975) Sex differences in the functioning of small groups,
(1984) Intergroup contact:The typical member and the exception to the rule,
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