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메뉴The purpose of this study was to develop the Romantic Relationship Behavior Scale(RRBS) and to validate the scale. The RRBS was administered to 395 single men(144) and women(251), ranged 20s from 40s. Factor analysis of the RRBS resulted in the nine factors, implying supporting, aggression, tension, trust, liking expression, clinging, intimacy rejection, and high rewardiness need(a) .high rewardiness need(b). Good coefficients of reliability for dimensions were found. To identify validity the RRBS, it was identified whether the scores of RRBS differ in romantic relationship experience level(relationship difficult group/ conflict group, stable group). Using one-way ANOVA, three groups demonstrated significant difference on scores of the RRBS's subscales. And it is identified whether the styles of attachment differ in the scores of the RRBS. As results, the stable attachment style was higher then the unstable attachment styles in supporting, trust, liking expression scores and was lower then the unstable attachment styles in aggression, tension, clinging, intimacy rejection, and high rewardiness need scores. Also, the correlations of RRBS and Dating Relation Satisfying Scale and K-IIP were appropriate level and significant. Also, it was identified that the women's scores of aggression and high rewardiness need was significantly higher than men's. The results suggested that the RRBS was effective and useful instrument to assess romantic relationship behaviors. It is discussed about advantages and limits of the RRBS
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