open access
(2001) 성취 프로그램 효과분석 및 발전 방향 수립을 위한 연구 보고서, 한국산업인력공단 중앙고용정보원
(1988) 직무만족의 측정과 관련변인들의 영향 산업 및 조직,
(2000) 경력개발의 이론과 실제, 다산출판사
(2005) 대학졸업자들의 진로미결정 및 직업탐색행동이 개인-직무 적합과 개인-조직 적합에 미치는 영향,
(1991) 신입사원 선발제도,
(2003) 개인과 환경간 부합 연구에서 다차항 회귀분석과 반응표면 방법론의 적용 ,
(2005) 대학 4학년생들의 진로미결정 직업탐색행동 및 구직 성과 간의 관계,
(2004) 청년층의 구직성공 요인 전공과 진로선택 및 구직행태를 중심으로,
(1999) 여성인력수급의 전망과 과제 , 한국직업능력개발원
(2001) 직업결정척도 개발,
(1995) Previous work experience and organizational socialization:A longitudinal investigation,
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(1990) Adaptaion to work transitions Research in personnel and human resources management, JAI Press
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(1985) Why doesn't Jane run? Sex differences in educational and occupational patterns,
(1991) A conceptual integration literature of review and methodological critique International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
(1996) A taxonomy of difficulties in career decision making Journal of Counseling Psychology,
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(1980) Multiple subtypes among vocational undecided college students:A model and assessment instrument,
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(1998) Determinants of managerial career success:Evidence and explanation of male/female differences,
(1976) The nature and causes of job satisfaction Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology,
(1996) Differences in achieving person-organization fit among diverse groups of managers,
(1993) Commitment to organization and occupations Extension and test of a three-component conceptualization Journal of Applied Psychology,
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(1987) Theories and research on job search and choice Research in personnel and human resources management, JAI Press
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