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메뉴The current study was conducted to explore (1) the liberal feminism of Korean women on the bases of their social structural variables and (2) the its impact on their well-being. The Liberal Feminist Attitude and Ideology Scale as well as three quality of life scales(i.e., Subjective Well-being Scale, Psychological Well-being Scale and Happy Life Inventory) were administered to a nationwide sample of 771 Korean women. Results showed that the degree of liberal feminist attitude and ideology differed according to their social structural variables such as individuals' marriage status, occupation, income, and educational level. The levels of gender roles, global goals, and specific political agendas were higher for those women who were better educated, younger, and more professional in their career. On the contrary, the levels of discrimination and subordination as well as collective action were higher for those who were older, less educated, and less professional. A Series of regression analyses revealed that most of liberal feministic attitude and ideology factors affected the Korean women's perception on their quality of life. Specifically, gender role and global goals were the important variables for predicting or explaining individuals' psychological well-being. Specific political agendas affected both psychological well-being and happy life. However, collective actions negatively affected the subjective well-being and happy life, while sisterhood had no relation with any criterion. Finally the implications and limitations of the present study as well as the future directions of this area were discussed.
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