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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Effect of Preventive Parenting Program for Mother-Infant secure attachment


This study was to examine the effect of a preventive parenting education program for pregnant women who were at risk for maltreatment. This program is consisted of four parts; 1)education of infant development, 2)improvement of maternal sensitivity in interaction with children, 3)examination of mother's own attachment representation, and 4)establishment of social support to prevent negative effect to parenting. Risk pregnant women were screened by depression, anxiety, marital discord and psychological stress scores. Six women were enrolled in the parenting program which consisted of eight sessions(two hours weekly for 8weeks) of treatment sessions and five women were enrolled as the controls. The post-assessment was performed 6months after the child's birth. The scores of mother's working models of child and the maternal sensitivity were significantly higher in the educated group than the controls. The interaction scores of participant group was significantly higher than that of controls in developmental sensitivity and responsiveness, and lower in intrusiveness. However, there were no significant difference between the participant and control group in the Depression, Marital Adjustment and the Maternal Stress. Infants of participant group showed significantly higher developmental level in Bayley Scale compare to infants of control group. Finally, infants of participant group scored significantly higher in adjustment and attention in temperament scale than the control group. These results supported the effectiveness of the Parenting Education Program in preventing maltreatment and in improving secure attachment.

예방부모교육, 안정애착, 양육기제, 상호작용 민감성, preventive parenting program, secure attachment, caring system, interaction sensitivity



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology