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메뉴To develope and validate a scale(KOBES: Korean Overall Body Esteem Scale) which reflects cognitive, affective and social aspects of body esteem, and which encompasses bodily function as well as bodily form and that can be adopted to both sexes, two independent research were performed with university students(n1=252, n2=307). Body esteem revealed as 3 factor structure which was consisted of 1) appearance esteem, 2) weight esteem, and 3) bodily function esteem. These structure was stable across two independent samples, and between male sample and female sample. Internal consistancy coefficients(Cronbach's α) were .74 - .91 across sub samples, and test-retest reliability coefficients were .75 - .90 depending upon sub samples. KOBES had moderately high correlations with self-esteem, subjective well-being, and eating disorder scale(EDI-2). Besides them, KOBES revealed significant correlations with body-related behavioral intentions about diet, cosmetic surgery, drugs for weight loss especially in female sample. KOBES had no relations with social desirability scale. There were gender differences in correlation patterns among the KOBES sub-scales and between the KOBES and other measures. These results were discussed in the view of gender differences and future directions for research were proposed.
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