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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


A Test of Socio-Cognitive Model for Make-Up Maum of Korean Women as Self-Conscious Experience


The purpose of this study was to test the socio-cognitive model of make-up maum of Korean women. In order to build make-up maum model, we approached meaning of make-up, reason for make-up, positive and negative function of make-up by qualitative method. Then we performed content analysis of qualitative data. We also collected quantitative data from Korean university students and adults. A total of 335 respondents was participated in this study. We tested the socio-cognitve model for make-up maum by strutural equation modeling. The results indicated that desire for make-up and make-up belief as a category of maum influenced positively on make-up behavior. However, this model was suitable for only adults sample. In addition, we tested the effect of emotion on make-up maum cosisted of desire and belief. The results showed that felt emotion during make-up related positively to desire and belief repectively. Also, emotion influenced indirectly on make-up behavior.

make-up, Maum, socio-cognitive model, self-conscious experience, belief, desire, emotion, 문화, 여성, 화장, 마음, 자의식적 경험최근 한 인기 TV 프로그램에서 한국에 거주하는 외국인 여성들이 한국의 여성들에 대한 인상을 ‘남들의 시선을 의식한다’, ‘겉모양에 지중한다’, ‘화장을 많이 한다’ 등으로 말한 적이 있다. 이러한 말속에서는 화장이 겉모습을 중시하는 사회적 풍조와 그러한 사회적 압력에 굴복하는 여성들의 자화상을 보여주는 것이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 화장하는 여성들의 마음은 어떠한지 들여다보고자 한다면, 여성들이 화장을, make-up, Maum, socio-cognitive model, self-conscious experience, belief, desire, emotion



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology