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메뉴The purpose of this study was to test the socio-cognitive model of make-up maum of Korean women. In order to build make-up maum model, we approached meaning of make-up, reason for make-up, positive and negative function of make-up by qualitative method. Then we performed content analysis of qualitative data. We also collected quantitative data from Korean university students and adults. A total of 335 respondents was participated in this study. We tested the socio-cognitve model for make-up maum by strutural equation modeling. The results indicated that desire for make-up and make-up belief as a category of maum influenced positively on make-up behavior. However, this model was suitable for only adults sample. In addition, we tested the effect of emotion on make-up maum cosisted of desire and belief. The results showed that felt emotion during make-up related positively to desire and belief repectively. Also, emotion influenced indirectly on make-up behavior.
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