The purpose of this study is to investigate factors that influence on reemployment success and quality of Reemployed worker's job Quality of Middle aged People. First survey research was conducted using 1539 adult job seekers, and we examined the extent to job seeker's response of loss of job, psychological variable, social-economic variable and demographics variable. One year after, we conducted second research to investigate the states of reemployment 664 middle aged people. For the reemployment patterns, this research has the following result; sex(male), age(eraly 30's), marriage state, prior employment pattern(renured employment), prior wage level. are deteminant of reemplyment. On the other hand, reemployed worker's job quality, this research has following result: sex(male,), prror wage level, prior employment pattern are predicters. .Also success of reemployment has positively affected on mental health. The Level of anxiety and depression of unemployers are much higher than re-employer. To promote stable employment of unemployed people, we need to provide more information about re-employment and abolish sex and age discrimination of employment
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