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메뉴The current work investigates the relationships between several indices of perceptual congruence and their subjective well-being in married couples. Major questions were whether the indices of perceptual congruence were vary to domains and married period, and whether they are related to their subjective well-being. Married couples having various married period responded on some scales to find out perceptions of the self and his(her) spouse's about personality, ideals for marriage, and gender-role attitude. The couple's two profile congruences were calculated to measure of couple similarity and spouse understanding by Kenny, Kashy, and Cook(2006)'s suggestion. Results showed that couples were actually similar each other on profile in all of three areas. Spouses' understanding of his(her) spouse on ideals for marriage was greater than them on personality and gender-role attitude. But the magnitude of couple similarity and understanding spouse's disposition had not related with married period. Findings also showed that the couple's similarities does not related with their subjective well-being, but the understanding of spouse's dispositions related with it.
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