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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

The Effect of emotional dimension and facial expression's presenting areas on facial expression's recognition: A comparison of gender differences


In this study, we observed the abilities to recognize facial expressions between the genders, the different types of emotions (basic and complex emotions) and facial expression presenting areas (whole face and eyes). We also investigated whether there are differences in ability to recognize facial expressions according to dimensions of emotion(pleasantness/unpleasantness and awakening/relaxation dimension). A total of 32 types of emotional state facial expressions which are linked relatively strong with the emotional vocabularies were presented. In each trial, an emotional vocabulary and four facial expressions were shown to the subjects who were told to choose one suitable facial expression which was matched with the emotional vocabulary. The results showed that the subjects judged better on the condition of basic emotions more than complex emotions, the whole face more than eyes, the pleasantness dimension more than the unpleasantness dimension and the relaxation dimension more than the awakening dimension. Also, it was found that women were better at judging facial expressions than men. This study suggests that gender, types of emotion, facial presenting areas and dimension of emotion have effects on recognition of facial expressions.

facial expressions, gender, facial presenting areas, dimensions of emotion, 얼굴표정, 성별, 얼굴제시영역, 정서차원



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology