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메뉴The Purpose of this study was to determine effects of family-of-origin characteristic and conflicts with in-laws on marital satisfaction. For this purpose, the Family System Diagnosis Scale(FSDS), Conflicts between Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law scale(CBMD), Conflicts Between Mother-in-law and Son- in-law scale(CBMS), and the Korean Marital Satisfaction Inventory scale(K-MSI) were administrated to 274 married couples, and data were analyzed using stepwise regression and structural equation modeling. First, husband's family-of-origin characteristic was significant variables that explained marital satisfaction. However, wife's family-of-origin characteristic was not significant variables that explained marital satisfaction. Second, wife's family-of-origin characteristic was significant variables that explained conflicts between mother-in-law and son-in-law. Moreover, conflicts between mother-in-law and son-in-law was significant variables that explained husband's marital satisfaction. Third, husband's family-of-origin characteristic was significant variables that explained conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. These results indicated that husband's family-of-origin characteristic had significant path on husband's marital satisfaction. However, this path was not significant for wife. In addition, conflicts in-laws and marital satisfaction had significant path when family-of-origin characteristic was mediated. Implications and suggestions for future research were discussed.
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