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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


An exploration of the relationship among variables affecting the psychological well-being of day-care grandmothers


Structural equation modeling was conducted to explore the relationship among variables affecting the psychological well-being of day-care grandmothers. One hundred and twenty-five day-care grandmothers of kindergarten children participated in this study. Predictors for grandmothers’ well-being were parenting stress, social support, selection-optimization-compensation (SOC) strategies, and grandparenthood meaning (GM). The model showed good model fit. All paths in the model were significant except for GM to psychological well-being. Mediated by parenting stress, social support and GM had an indirect effect to psychological well-being. SOC was not correlated to parenting stress. According to this integrative well-being model, social support and GM were buffers against parenting stress. Implications and limitations, as well as future directions are discussed.

grandmothers raising grandchildren, day-care grandmother, parenting stress, social support, selection, optimization, compensation, grandparenthood meaning, depression, satisfaction with life, psychological well-being, 손자녀 양육, 공동양육가정, 양육스트레스, 사회적 지지, 선택·최적화·보상 전략, 조부모로서의 의미, 우울, 삶의 만족도, 심리적 안녕감



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology