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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology

A Study on the Effects of Educational Program for the Juvenile Sexual Offenders under Probation and Their Parents


This study was tried to evaluate the effects of preventive educational program for re-offending of juvenile sexual offenders, which is based on a cognitive behavioral treatment. In this study, participants were 30 juveniles under probation who committed sexual offenses. For the juveniles, CUSI(Coping Using Sex Inventory), PAI(Personality Assessment Inventory), BDI (Buss-Durkee Inventory), Barratt Impulsiveness ScaleⅡ, and Interpersonal Depression Inventory were used to evaluate the effects of the program as Pre and Post-Tests. Interviews with their parents were carried out to identify the effects and implications of this program. In the result of this study, the juveniles suggested the significant positive shift in coping with stress using sexual images, affective depression, verbal aggression, reckless impulsiveness, and interpersonal anxiety. The parents in this research reported to recognize the necessity of the parental education program and anticipate the individual counseling concerning a parental role. These results confirmed the positive educational and therapeutic effects of the program for the juveniles and parents. Explanations and implications of the results were discussed and the directions of the future studies were suggested.

보호관찰 성폭력 가해 청소년, 성폭력 재범방지 교육 프로그램, 부모교육, 성적대응전략 척도, preventive educational program for re-offending of juvenile sexual offenders, juveniles under probation who committed sex offenses, parental education, coping using sex inventory, preventive educational program for re-offending of juvenile sexual offenders, juveniles under probation who committed sex offenses, parental education, coping using sex inventory



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology