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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Marital Quality according to Couple Type made pattern by Autonomy in Marriage: Mediation Effect of Conflict Management Strategy


Autonomy in Marriage(AM; Chang, 2008) considers the compatibility state of 2 sub-factors(Autonomous Self, Respect for Spouse's Autonomy) as psychological autonomy in the context of marriage. This paper purposes to examine the effect of AM on marital quality and the mediation effect of conflict management strategy. Mail survey was conducted on 456 Japanese married men and women sampled by probability sampling method in ages between 35 and 75. Results indicated that (a) the participants were classified into 5 types of couple by the degree of AM with different demographic characteristics; (b) in the case of group where husband and wife had high degree of AM, the marital quality was highest; and also (c) the group with high AM used adaptive conflict management strategy. These results empirically corroborates that AM had significant positive effect on marital life. Furthermore, results suggested that the pursuit of autonomy was as important as the pursuit of connectedness in marriage and the importance of equivalent autonomy at the same time. Finally, the significance of this study, limitations were discussed.

부부관계 심리적 자립, 부부관계의 질, 갈등해결전략, Autonomy in Marriage, marital quality, conflict management strategy



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology