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메뉴This study examined the Internet usage patterns of adolescent and the relationship between their usage patterns and their pathological symptoms. Using data related to 657 adolescents, this study analyzed the frequency of login, the duration of login, the motive for accessing the Internet, and the major login area. It was observed that boys were more exposed to the Internet than girls and that boys used the Internet more frequently than girls did. Both girls and boys reported boredom (i.e., having “nothing to do”) as the primary reason for accessing the Internet. Boys mostly played games, whereas girls mainly listened to music or watched films on the Internet. The main effect of the duration of the login and the gender and the interaction effect of the duration of the login and the gender were significant. Thus, boys were correlated with more severe pathological symptoms, and the longer the login, the more severe was the symptom. The findings also demonstrated that boys exhibited more severe symptoms than girls did but that the symptoms aggravated faster in girls than in boys in the intolerance, the orientation toward the virtual relationship, and the compulsive preoccupation toward the virtual space .
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