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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Review of attachment theory and parenting


The attachment theory that emphasizes the emotional bond between a caregiver and a child has been the base of the theory of maternal deprivation. The tendency of research on attachment recently for 10 years in Korea shows that most attachment research has been conducted about infants and toddlers and rarely interested in father-children attachment compared to mother-children attachment. In addition, caregivers' development through being parents has been hardly examined although attachment is the reciprocal relationship between parents and children. The researcher reinterprets the meaning of motherhood and fatherhood based on attachment theory and suggests the importance of father involvement and the need of coparenting. Parents' own development through parenting is also discussed.

애착, 양육, 부모기, 모성박탈, 부성, attachment, parenting, fatherhood, maternal deprivation



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology