This study was aimed to investigate the effects of the Parenting Training Program which was designed to improve the self-esteem, parenting stress and attitude of mothers of children with severe and multiple disabilities. The subjects were 13 mothers of children with severe and multiple disabilities attending a special school in G Metropolitan City and 13 waiting mothers as a comparison group. The Parenting Training Program consisted of eight sessions (120 minutes per session). Data was analysed using ANCOVA and content analysis of the descriptions about the experience of changes caused by the participation of the program. The results showed that the self-esteem of program participants were improved more than the waiting group and positive changes appeared in both affectionate and positive parenting attitudes, but there was not a significant decrease in parenting stress. Additionally, the results of content analysis showed that the program participants experienced positive changes in themselves, as well as, in relationships with their family and others. These results mean that the Parenting Training Program is useful for the mothers who have high risk of various psychological problems. Some limitations of this study and the direction for future study were discussed.
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