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메뉴The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to singles’ mate selection and married persons’ marital satisfaction through four generations of different aged (single, newly married, middle aged, and elderly group). For this purpose, an open-ended questionnaire was completed by a total of 163 persons belonging to four different age groups in Seoul and Chungcheong-Do. Forty-nine singles of them described mate selection and avoidance factors and 114 married persons described mate satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors. Content analyses led to four categories (personal, relational, familial, and social) and 18 subcategories. Also, interactions between category, generation and gender were analysed through log-linear analysis. For the frequency of mate selection/satisfaction were interactions significant between category and generation and between category and gender. Also, for the frequency of mate avoidance/ dissatisfaction were all two-way interactions significant among category, generation and gender. Also, differences between generations and between gender for each category were analysed through cross-tabs. Generation differences were found for all categories, whereas gender differences were found only for familial and social categories. These findings were discussed specifically in terms of developmental contexts.
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