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메뉴This study is investigated the effect of attachment and the interpersonal competence focusing on attachment through a generation. The subjects were 205 female college students and their parents located in Seoul. With the inventory of parent attachment(IPPA-R), the scale of interpersonal competence(ICQ) to students and the adult attachment scale(ASS) to their parents were used. As a result of correlation analysis, overall relationships among the attachment to mother and attachment to father were significant with student's interpersonal competence. According to the result of multi-regression analysis, attachment predicted female student's interpersonal competence. Especially the attachment to mother effected on initiation, disclosure, emotional support and conflict management. In addition, the attachment to father predicted negative assertion. the father's attachment to his own mother was completely mediated by the student-father attachment, and the mother's attachment to her own mother was completely mediated by student-mother attachment and effected in students interpersonal competence.
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